Sex act. when male reaches orgasm, their partner sprays pepper spray/mace directly onto the climaxing party's ass hole.
That party was insane last night! When I went to the bathroom, I walked in on a couple in the middle of a steffen special!
by Stamos Anus September 5, 2011
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when the master alcoholic himself mixes up an evil drink of what every nasty fucking liquor he could come up with he never mixes them weak they are always steffen stout.
hey colechilla how do you want this drink mixed?
fucking steffen stout man.
by wardog1 May 29, 2008
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A guy with brown hair, glasses, a race truck, and really loves to talk about penis.
I hang out with Andrew Steffen yesterday. The only thing we did was ride around in his race truck and talk about penis.
by swagmaster1234 February 12, 2015
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Winning a sports competition without even taking part in it.
„Did you see that guy who ran the marathon without a competitor number?“

„Yeah he was going full Steffen
by TheMemeHoarder February 6, 2020
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Not really taking part in a sports contest but still beating everybody else
„Did you see that guy who ran the marathon without a competitor number?“

„Yeah he was going full Steffen
by TheMemeHoarder February 6, 2020
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Steffen is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sexy and mine bitch
by 1243mil April 2, 2018
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