Used to hold two or more peices of paper together in a slightly more permanent way then a paperclip. Also used in surgery to hold a wound together.
"Will you pass the stapler so I can staple my papers together?"

"He split his head open good, we'll need to staple it back together."
by Kenny March 9, 2005
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A useful tool for tapeless times.
"uh oh, i ran out of tape.. now what do i do?"

"staples my friend.. staples"
by dr. toofess April 13, 2013
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The ill-est office supply store ever. The people in the copy center are usually pretty mad, and the people doing stock are usually goofing off. Overall, a loving business.
J-Boogie wears her new neon eyeliner at Staples!
by KS-Boogie December 31, 2009
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A bitch that is overly attatched to you.

An annoying person who wont hop off your dick.

An interference of your life.
Ex1) Raul : Yo, babe you better watch your friend Cathy she is such a "staple".

Ex2) Jerome : Yo, Monique won't stop calling me after i hit it and quit it.

Theron: Wow, thats why i don't deal with girls that are a staple.

by Erika, Steph & Cilla July 27, 2008
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a 45. or 38. special. a pistol
homeboy was poppin off at the mouth so i pulled that staple on his ass.shut em up real quick!
by 743! March 17, 2010
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To be extremely excited for an upcoming event or activity.
Dude, I'm so stapled for that concert on Friday night!

by beeeeepbooooop14564 June 21, 2011
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