A shithole of a city. Full of inbred mongs that fiddle with ponies. This city is the reason why the Titanic sunk.
What’s Southampton like?

Don’t bother going there.
by FireKnight123 May 20, 2020
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A place where a lot of Polish people reside.
There’s a lot of Polish people in Southampton
by Death Menace September 7, 2022
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A technique for courtship practiced on the South Coast (usually in a nightclub, but can also be effective in libraries and hospitals). The maneouvre begins by working oneself into a unholy sweat, sauna's may be used, however the purists shun this frivilous aid.
Next the participant (using a feminine alias, such as Justin or Miranda) must choose his target and incessantly annoy them with a socially inept dogma - this can result in a 'pull'.
If the distinctly average looking target (gender unspecified) can be lured to a bedroom, the ritual mating will begin. This usually lasts for about 15 minutes or until the 'gurning fuck lizard' is so 'gunked up' her tears taste salty. Real Salty.

Illegal in most civilised worlds.
Justin: You know I created the Southampton Chandler

Girl: Get the fuck away from me, you depraved, red, sweaty fuck.

Justin: I'll put you down as a maybe.
by adebayormiddletondrive May 9, 2009
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Possibly the greatest team ever to grace the beautiful game with possibly the best players in the history of the game all having times at the greatest club in the world, including the best player of all time Matt Le Tissier.
Matt: Yay, i have southampton F.C. tickets
George: Wow you lucky bow *bows down in awe*
Matt: I know!
by tedfred123 July 5, 2007
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A high school located on the eastern end of Long Island, New York. 75% of the students look 5 years younger than their age and 100% of the faculty are homosexual. Over the years, Southampton HS has steadily become more and more soft as penalties for contraband such as Juuls become more severe and each senior class leaves, causing the junior grade, consisting of faggots, to become the new seniors. This process has resulted in what we now know as Southampton Highschool.
Principle: “what’s this? An empty juul pod? One week suspension

Student: “what the fuck? What a Southampton Highschool”
by Baby Zahn August 29, 2019
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Ah Southampton F.C.Probally the worst club to exist on Earth. The city in general is full of scammers and the supporters have no teeth and all have clap.
Bob: I'm going to watch a Southampton F.C game!
Michael: *tears up the tickets*
Michael: No problem.
by JimBobSmellyKnob April 11, 2019
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having to spend a long time with relatives, usually on holiday, that leave no time for musturbation.
after spending a week in Southampton with his mum Andrew developed Southampton syndrome.
by chocolate vs cheese August 26, 2009
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