To Siri the music...
When you are playing music on your phone, and someone picks up the phone and activates Siri, interrupting the music.
She totally Siri'ed the music.
by sahandwich January 1, 2016
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A computerized human who can only respond "i didnt get that modafuka" to your questions.
Hey Siri, wut up home boy? "I didnt get that modafuka."
by leseshrmushrooms8 October 13, 2020
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a voice activated search engine for apple. you say “hey siri” and she comes up where you can ask her anything..

usually she doesn’t understand much or do anything more than waste your time yelling “hey siri” into your phone.
siri fucking answer me!!!
by teensarebasic December 31, 2020
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A thick redhead pornstar with big boobs and a fat ass
I could play with Siri all day and never get tired.
by (Fart Noise) August 27, 2015
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Siri is a personal assistant that will answer just about anything— developed by Apple Inc.

you could ask so many things, like...
*Where's the next McDonald's?
*What movies are on tonight?
*How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?

I talk to Siri a lot just to see what she says. I sometimes wonder if there's someone behind a screen responding to everything I say.
Me- "Siri, are you a virgin?"

Siri- "I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't answer that."

Me- "I knew it! You slut!"

Siri- "Language!"

Me- "Uh... hello, welcome to the twenty-first century, Siri."
by Zoelly9000 September 29, 2014
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