sweet man.
from regina spektor's song- "samson"
"Samson came to my bed
Told me that my hair was red
Told me I was beautiful and came into my bed...
kissed me 'til the mornin' light, the mornin' light
And he kissed me 'til the mornin' light"
by ___emily May 9, 2007
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The Samson is when you are having sex with a girl, and she cuts your pubic hair, and then you instantly go limp.
I was having sex with Delilah when she whipped out scissors and gave me a Samson. Now I can't get it up, and I went blind.
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one of the most weird people in the world, doesnt like herb which is odd (u can buy it from maccas in a frozen coke), his spirit animal is a wHaLe and he once vomited blue stuff :) :)
omg theres samson swimming past really fasttttt
by notmanaia August 2, 2018
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To make something better or to improve it.
Man you really samsonized your ride.
by TDBE March 22, 2018
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To improve or make better.
You need to Samsonize your ride.
by TDBE March 22, 2018
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The dog as-seen in the GIF below. It is a really nice dog, with a deep voice. You need to look him up on youtube (Samson en Gert). It is dutch, but what do you care, right? It is a program for kids, the maker (gert) fucked all of the three members of a kids-girlband called K-3. It has nothing to do with the KKK.
A: I want a dog
B: You should take Samson, he's amazing
by YouknowwhoIamDavid March 1, 2017
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