When someone tells you a joke that they believe is really funny, but everyone else thinks is really lame.
What would a vampire bring to a baseball game? A bat! Oh man, I was at this party and this dude was telling me a joke and immediately I knew I was getting Sageted.
by Jason Morales March 20, 2007
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A humorous gesture that is administered when one judo chops another between the shoulder blades and says: "CRAP SAGET!"in a loud deep voice.
Man! I have a huge bruise from that Crap Saget the other day!
You just got Crap Saggeted!
by Dark Gorilla November 29, 2009
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a simpler, non-offending way of saying "god Damnit", orginally heard by the touretts guy from Youtube.
"Bob Saget, I dropped my phone!"
"Bob Saget, my shoes are wet!"
by The Echoer February 8, 2009
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A comedian you would think is the world's biggest poof due to his soft-headed roles on America's Funniest Home Videos and Full House, but actually has a really risque act. Also the object of a silly cult at www.bobsagetisgod.com.
Bob Saget is god?

by A Little Pinprick August 7, 2006
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A term that you can whip out of your pocket at any time of distress, or in any situation that causes a level of anxiety. Comes in quite handy in place of "GOD DAMNIT!" when small children are present. Made famous by Tourette's Guy.
*you miss a really great pool combo* "Oh, BOB SAGET!"

*you run over something large with the lawn mower* "BOB SAGET!!!"

(2 AM)*you stub your toe while getting up to go the potty* "OH BOB SAGET!!!"
by x_vacant@hotmail.com March 29, 2008
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A Phrase shouted at any time you would normally say a exclamation.Influenced by god himself, Bob Saget
Oh no , My Brother lost his leg! What a Saget!!!
by bobert333 April 7, 2006
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The testicle that sagets and bobs a little more than the other one. He hangs a little lower.

Ironically Bob Saget (the HUMAN) made a majority of his money showing videos of everyday guys catching one to their respective Bob Sagets.
These pants are too tight! Bob Saget can't ventilate.
by MJTJ February 14, 2008
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