An elite MMORPG guild, a group of online RPG gamers playing "World of Warcraft" on the european server "Sunstrider". Created initially by Sunman in October 1995, Rampage has served under 5 guild masters since then (Thalionmell, Gildamesh, Brynn, Avarien and McButt respectively). Although millions of gamers all over the world participate in numerous guilds playing thier respective online games, Rampage strangely shines brighter despite numerous setbacks and corruption aptly coining the term "Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger". This has led to the belief that while other arguably "more elite" guilds rise and fall, the story of Rampage is one of slow but steady increased stability. This is thanks to the solid core of Rampage members, who have worked to create what exists now, and in an ever evolving gaming world, Rampage continues to go from strength to strength.
"You want back into Rampage? Suprise suprise..."
"Rampage will outlive us all"
by James Boyce May 6, 2006
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When you go all crazy and post a ton of pictures of one thing on
Teen 1: I went on a crazy tumblr rampage last night, I was posting a ton of pictures of Arnold Palmer.
by tumblrrampager September 21, 2010
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An individual with average height that has incredibly skinny but yet strong legs. Even with an unsymmetrical body they still believes they are above and beyond everyone else.
Guy #1: That dude at the gym always goes beast mode bro, he squats 4 plates!
Guy #2: Yea I know! but why does he always wear sweats even in the summer?!
Guy #1: Haven't you heard, He is just another typical Rampage chickenlegs.
by Robnnimple April 22, 2016
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An evening of partying that is garnished with homosexual experimentation directly after. Commonly used with the phrase 'big black dildo'.

Person 1: Dude, I have no idea why my o-ring is so sore..

Person 2: Broski, after that third appletini, you went on a total cock rampage.

Person 1: Wait, I had 3 appletinis???

by C-Rea March 10, 2009
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When two consenting adults enjoy getting buck wild in each others rectal cavity using fingers, fists,shoes,plungers,butt plugs,baseball bats, nerf balls and other misc househould kitchen items for the soul purpose of being down right filthy on a random night anywhere in the world.
After the wild night of anal rampage, rene walked with a limp

Since Scott decided to join in on his girlfriends request to play anal rampage, they keep losing the TV remote controls and other small household items.

Joe and Sarah played anal rampage last week and now have raging yeast infections in their butt cracks
by crazy ney ney April 5, 2010
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A vehicle produced from 1982 - 1984 by Dodge based on the Dodge Omni platform as a gas friendly personal pickup..
Front wheel drive 2.2 carburated engine...

There was also a Plymouth version called the "Scamp" made for the 1983 year only!
The Dodge Rampage is one of those "Love it or hate it" vehicles..
by Chris Pauluk July 9, 2006
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The act of a dumb hippie consuming too many psychedelic drugs/chemicals and then frantically running around the room/area in a rage of madness fueled by conflicting emotions of happiness and anger.
"Last weekend our friend Stino took much LSD and went on

codys rampage destroying the vibe."
by stino83 August 19, 2010
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