it's the fact to go at the top, and to down to the bottom
person 1:this guy was a big rock star in the 80's but he lost all his money and live in the gutter
person 2: he's rise and fall, what a pitty
by sweetdji March 2, 2012
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When you suddenly get an erection, and just as suddenly loose said erection.
Boy she sure gave me the ol’ Turkish rise and fall yesterday with that bowling pin and jug of KY.
by BlueBlazes February 15, 2022
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Me and my buddies are going to juul, behind the bleachers at sunset.
Yo guys not the The mist rises ,as the sun falls.

"Don't do AHHHHHHHHHH!!"
by DANTE WOLF November 17, 2019
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When you suddenly get an erection, and just as suddenly loose said erection.
Boy she sure gave me the ol’ Turkish rise and fall yesterday with that bowling pin and jug of KY.
by BlueBlazes February 15, 2022
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