a raggy is white trash that walks the streets of torrington or winsted, CT wearing clothes 5 times too big (or small depending on if the raggy is guy or girl). they usually are around the ages of 12-18 and are beginning to overpopulate the streets
ex. im so sick of all the raggies walking the streets i just want to run them over
by jnhsnhslkfhb May 29, 2007
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A derogatory word for a middle eastern person. Perfeably muslim. Comes form the word "Raghead". Short for "Raghead".
"Hey Marcus shoot those raggys before they reach that fence!"
by n8vySEALspwn247 March 21, 2009
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a term the describes the emotional and physical effects of PMS for a woman.
"oh my god, ive been crying all weekend at the most stupid things. i think im raggy"
by IIIII July 20, 2008
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A adjective to describe a multitalented and strong willed man, one of honour and respect. Who always covers his freinds back, exceeds in most that he does whether academic or sport, though seen as the joker of the group who always get into trouble...but a general nice guy.
Girl: How has he got himself into trouble again?!
Guy: He just cant help himself
Girl: Decent guy though
Guy: True, what a raggy guy haha
by RedKaur April 29, 2012
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Widely used synonym for "charv" or "chav".
"Oh shit, this place is crawling with raggy scum"

"Get back to your council estate you raggy bastard!"
by thesmoothcriminal March 3, 2005
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A term commonly used to describe the resident of Winsted, CT in the Northwest part of the state. A raggie refers to a person who can often be mistaken as a smelly homeless person; they wear the same clothes just about every day, they wear British Knights and BUM sweatshirts. They are poor and their parents are on welfare; they have a large raggie family tree. They are often the brunt of jokes; it is not good to be known as a raggie.
I can't shop at IGA on Main St., that is where all of the raggies go.
by CNTBAG February 18, 2009
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A word used to describe anything bad. Refers to 'raghead' ie being a smelly arab with a rag on yo head. Used in the same way as 'gay'.
Man, dat shit is so gay.
Ye man, its well raggy.
by BJOB O'Brien December 13, 2007
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