a cute thing to say when your out of ideas.
rar I r Angried at meh engrish! ^_^
by Zett August 1, 2004
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A filler word used in awkward silences, times of excitement, or to replace any word that one cannot think of.
You use "rar" when there is nothing else to say, and you are just sitting around with a bunch of randoms, and you want attention.
by Amanda Hoffman December 12, 2007
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RaR is allways a prefix or a suffix. It can mean or be used as a number of things. a)You meet some one new and have no way to start up a conversation. In this case RaR is a prefix.Ex RaR, Hows it going or RaR how bout them yankess. b)A way to break a akward silence in a conversation that has died. Ex RaR, Talk to me im bored, RaR wtf why you guys stop talking or even just RaR!.
C)A way of gloating Ex. Look at that 90% i got on that test RaR. You just won a race you go and chat with the spectators RaR!.
RaR, Havent seen you here befor
RaR, Why did you guys stop talking
RaR, I nailed that test
by Jerry December 23, 2004
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lauren potato rar ror rarrr
by rar May 10, 2019
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RAR is just another word for LOL, but in spanish
lol=Laughing Out Loud
RAR=Riendome Afuera Recio
Man foo tu eres un baboso....RAR...
by darkmasteroo September 15, 2006
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Or a Random Act of Reassurance. An unanticipated act or occurrence solely intended to reassure someone that the person responsible for the act is so incredibly into her it’s borderline creepy. RARs often times occur during periods of separation and, if done properly, have the power to erase any doubt the recipient might be having about how unbelievably stoked the initiator of the act is to have her in his life.
This dick pic Nate sent me today has to be my favorite RAR yet!
by NateInFargo July 23, 2014
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To be sad to some one( mean)
man wat u did to her was rar.
numb 1) Pass me dat remote
numb2) do it urself
numb 1) aw man wat u bein rar 4
by AMZSTA September 4, 2006
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