Ohio local band with 8 members who all wear masks. They have been totally ripped off by Slipknot. They were around 3 years before Slipknot. They are heavy and kick ass. Check out XIII which is now in stores.
Mushroomhead kicks insane amounts of ass!!!!
by Filthy_Hands November 2, 2003
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I am adressing the conflict between mushroomhead and slipknot. first of all about the mask issue NEITHER BAND COPIED THE OTHER!!!!! THEY EACH CAME UP WITH THE IDEA ON THEIR OWN!!!! Both bands are so different you can't really compare them slipknot has taken a more hardcore and aggressive approach where they are always serious in their songs. mushroomhead has a slower more gothic feel and ironically do incorporate some humor into their image. The fact is that if you like mushroomhead there is a 90% chance you are from Cleveland because they are less popular than slipknot. If you like slipknot you are looking for more thrash like stuff.
Guy 1:did you hear slipknot copied mushroomhead.
Guy 2: (bitch slaps him) what the fuck is wrong with you slipknot had never heard of mushroomhead when they chose the mask idea.
by superninjapenguin February 28, 2007
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I am adressing the conflict between mushroomhead and slipknot. first of all about the mask issue NEITHER BAND COPIED THE OTHER!!!!! THEY EACH CAME UP WITH THE IDEA ON THEIR OWN!!!! Both bands are so different you can't really compare them slipknot has taken a more hardcore and aggressive approach where they are always serious in their songs. mushroomhead has a slower more gothic feel and ironically do incorporate some humor into their image. The fact is that if you like mushroomhead there is a 90% chance you are from Cleveland because they are less popular than slipknot. If you like slipknot you are looking for more thrash like stuff.
Guy 1:did you hear slipknot copied mushroomhead.
Guy 2: (bitch slaps him) what the fuck is wrong with you slipknot had never heard of mushroomhead when they chose the mask idea.
by superninjapenguin February 9, 2007
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better than slipknot and kick ass. they are the shit and anyone who says there poserz are thy poserz. slipknot is nothin like them,MRH has better music and is better period.
slipknot fan to MRH fan,"slipknot is soo much better that mushroomhead."
MEH fan, "fuck that MRH is better fuck face." and so on
by rude gurl January 19, 2004
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well one of the best bands ever made ther a kick ass band from cleveland,ohio and started in 1993.

vocals:waylon/jeffrey nothing
guitar:pig benis
holy shit mushroomhead is the best band alive way better than those posers slipknot
by Xx12gageXx April 4, 2009
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Nickname for the head of the male penis which resembles just that...a mushroom head.
My boyfriend's penis is magnificent. His mushroomhead is bigger than the rest of his penis and it creates this wonderful feeling in me that leads to pure ecstasy.

penis head
by TheBigCanucklehead March 15, 2015
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A mallcore/mainstream industrial rock (not metal, you stupid faggots) band, often incorrectly stated as being the band that Slipknot ripped the mask gimmick off of. I don't really feel like delving into Mushroomhead's uninteresting history of mainstreamage, so I'll just give a bit of FYI on masks for metal bands and fake metal bands ripping them off... GWAR (real (yet admittedly a joke) metal band) started it. All these nu fucks are ripping THEM off and pointing fingers at each other. End.
Mushroomhead is as metal at Slipknot, which is as metal as a kid in Abercrombie & Fitch clothes.
by Chris Zewe September 6, 2005
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