A worm like creature that attatches its self to the bollock of another mammal.
Oh deary me Geoffrey , i do believe to have contracted Moodles.
by Geoff patterson November 25, 2012
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A man poodle. Moodles are often weird and delusional and don't realize their status as a play toy. Moodles are typically passive and like to discuss their feelings.

Most girls keep a moodle around at all times for entertainment when they're not talking to or seeing anyone. You can flirt with your moodle, let him compliment you, and even take you out, but you never ever fuck the moodle.
Sara: Have you been talking to John lately?
Nora: Yeah. Turns out he's more of a moodle type
Sara: Aww, that sucks
Nora: Not really! Moodles are so fun to have around
Sara: Really? I should get one too then!
by smartestbitchyoukn0w February 22, 2012
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A hairstyle, in which indie boys have short hair at the back but a long, sometimes curly, fringe at the front.

The opposite of a mullet.

The word is an abreviation of 'man-poodle' which describes the poofy-ness of the fringe.
girl: you know that type of fringe like thing indies have?
boy: you mean when they have all shorter hair but a long flowing, slightly gungy front thing?
girls: Yeah thats it.
boy: Its called a Moodle
girl: OHHHHH *mind wave of awesomness*
by winniefreaks March 15, 2011
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the guy that always hangs out with the girls but never gets laid...
they all went to get a pedicure together but at the end of the day the moodle never got laid....
by carpet-curtans October 16, 2010
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v. the act of cuddling with someone while you're in 'the mood.'
Dude I totally moodled with Kate last night
by shmay123 August 21, 2011
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a moodle is a awesome guy that everyone need to stop thining of as a bad thing grow a set and stop calling your friends names
asshole: hes such a moodle for her
girl: ur the biggest asshole ever, go fuck your self
by real girl May 13, 2012
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To stimulate your partner during intimate activity, via your fingers, tongue or other parts of ones body.
After a nice dinner, we retired to the bedroom for a night of passionaite moodling.

Before intercourse, my partner moodled me until I climaxed.
by Uncle Sammy July 5, 2006
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