A depressing and sleazy island with nothing to do or see.

The population mostly consists of morbidly obese conservative retirees and rich kids that have nothing better to do with their free time other than smoke weed and talk shit.
If you don't fit into those two categories of people, then consider yourself irrelevant to the circlejerk. If you're slightly left leaning you'll be viewed as a commie by the two groups of people, if you're LGBTQIA, you'll be viewed as a mentally unstable "fag". Here, diversity is an evil boogie man that will corrupt the youth and ruin their "perfect" white island.

Some other very interesting facts to note are:
1.) The local public school is a failure to the local youth and pay excessive amount of time to athletic electives and neglect to pay attention to non-athletic activities.
2.) Over 80 percent of the population is white & conservative
3.) The wildlife that used to reside in the river has died due to large amounts of pollution by the residents
4.) There's nothing here for the majority of the youth, so most if not all go to Orlando or stay inside all day.
5.) There's is practically zero support for LGBT youth, at most there's a gay AA meeting but other than that there's nothing here.

The only slightly redeeming factor in this horrifying shithole is that the island is extremely close to the cape, which is admittingly pretty cool.
Guy 1: Hey dude, where do you live?
Guy 2: Merritt Island, unfortunately.
Guy 1: I feel bad for you, but at least it ain't C-town.
by Lin-axepkheat May 15, 2019
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school full of gay kids who think their cool ex’s spy for like 2 of them jajajaja
no i don’t want to hang out with them they go to ada merritt
by ratggggg July 17, 2019
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one hell of a drinker and crazy mother fucker. He is a kool home boy but he needs to quit rapping them damn stolen chikens, that were robbed from a mexican fag. Then goes around braking windows with mike and steeling peoples gas out what ever is syphenable with spot kirby. And when pet and mike are drunk they become the local burglers.
hope nobody reads this
by Matt Craig July 18, 2004
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Mr. Merrit is extremely nice and taken advantage of on a daily basis making him a pussy
Hey have you seen mr. Merritt? He's crying over there in a corner.
by Not Isaiah November 16, 2017
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A very pretty and sleepy island in Central Florida having close access to the beach and an easy drive to Orlando with a run down economy. Merritt Island has a large number rednecks, racists and bigots who have no scope of the world because the never leave, but may have less of this population than other local areas. Excellent location to view marine and avian wildlife due protected land. Many former and current NASA employees own homes in this area.

Merritt Island has an extremely high ratio of fast food locations to local number of population as well as an unusually high number of elderly people, snow birds, and abandoned/foreclosed homes and businesses.
1) I am afraid to speak in public on Merritt Island, because the narrow minded local population scares me and they might shoot me for being an atheist, childless, unmarried woman or a feminist.

2) I can't believe I accepted a work transfer, but my affordable and upgraded waterfront home on Merritt Island is awesome. However, I am stuck here until the market turns or hoping that interesting, classier people take advantage of the deals and move here.

3) There are no good bars on Merritt Island.

4) Merritt Island is the place that made me understand why Republicans are religious nut-cases.
by hottohandle April 30, 2012
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It's a LIT place. Old people live here with the exception of some teenagers and their fam. Only a few good places to hang. Overall nice place. Plus it sounds cool to say you live on an island.
1. "Hey brah, where you from?"- dude #1
"Sah dude, I'm from Merritt Island! It's so LIT there!"- dude #2
by somerandomteen June 16, 2017
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1. a confident, athletic guy who knows he can get with any girl he wants to and dosnt care whether to not hide it from them, otherwise he is nice to other guys. He can also be nice to the girl hes hoping to get with in the hour

2. a guy who can cheer you up if you thought you were so unhappy you would give a fuck if a truck came by and knocked you out so you couldnt remember who he was. And when your feeling like you are invincible, or you feel like you're flying high and nothing can touch you, he can rip you out of the sky and pretty much strip you of your confidence. More often than not he is your friend than your enemy.
Me : "hey sam"

Sam Merritt: "hey bro"

... later that day...

Me : "hey sam"

Sam Merritt: "FUCK YOU"

... many ball taps later...

Me: "ouch..."


Sam Merritt: "hey wazup bro?"
by imsofuckingconfused June 9, 2010
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