That little dribblage you get when you whack of REAL hard and then you zip up but then you get this persistent little cum GUSH.
So I was whacking it to Chornster, and it was a good solid load, but that I got Langed. It was rough.
by Skitzo88 March 8, 2003
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To become extremely drunk (more in the case of mixed drinks) and projectile spit on the who ever is nearby. Usually provoked by patronizing.
"Dude he drank seven rum & cokes and straight langed on Shane!"
by HoneyJo October 14, 2011
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Definition #2 : The art of pulling a "Lang", where you do very little but manage to benefit from the hard work of others.

Definition #2 : The art of succeeding in the 20th century with a Mullet, a hairstyle that hasn't been socially accepted since 1993.
Example 1 : Alex Kovalev pulled a "Lang" last night and scored his first goal in 9 games.

Example 2 : The new guy at work totally Lang'd his way up the corporate ladder.
by Habs HF December 10, 2008
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Lange-(noun): UK DJ of such hits as Follow Me & Drifting Away.
Lange is a Trance Disc-Jockey.
by TA March 15, 2005
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A archaic Scottish form of the word "long".
O but ye've been lang o' comin',
Welcome Royal Charlie.
by Forest Spirit June 13, 2005
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Being hung up on by your boss, usually in mid-sentence.
Hey Boss we have a truck down, what do you want....Boss? Boss? Boss? The Boss just langed me!
by ZalKath November 6, 2017
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To swindle a person by not paying a debt or wager while pretending to misinterpret the rules of the bet: to welsh on a bet.
Joshua totally Langed Johnny in that side bet on that poker game! Classic Joshua
by Pokerrrr 2 May 23, 2020
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