A Kendylle is a quite person at first. but once you get to know her she is a completely different person.she does not care what other people think about her. And she is an amazing friend. she always has your back.and she is loyal so if you ever date one keep her
Will: who is that
Karlee:oh that’s kendylle
by Dxddy.karl June 11, 2019
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Is the most amazing person you will ever meet. Is the nicest, most athletic, beautiful, and talented girl you will ever meet. You better not get on her bad side because in fights she’s a bitch. Everyone wants to date her or be her friend. She will stand up for you no matter what. She’s usually a girly girl and loves glitter. She loves social media but can also be shy. At sleepovers or on dates she’s fine just chilling and watching a movie or going out to explore.
Omg she’s so amazing she must be a Kendyll.
by Omgitsakendyll November 8, 2019
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a well fit bird yeh, also known to be attracted to guys named gavin. normally has cool best friends.
your well kendyl mate

your looking like a kendyl right now
by Gavin Mayte July 6, 2008
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Kendyll is kind and loves teal but when she doesn’t get her way she is feisty and she will bite not that I know but she is really sweet .
Wow Kendyll is so nice and cool!
by jadethebottt February 15, 2020
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A girl that is beautiful but is a conceded bitch. She gets everything she wants, especially chicken. She loves to eat but everyone hates her. She isn't loved.
That Kendyll though.
by randomperson911 November 9, 2014
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A name for a hairy boneless dog that sheds every five seconds five inches of hair. The smell of a Kendyll will leave you in a coma. So don't buy, get near, touch, or even look at a Kendyll because you will be scarred for life. They get all the girl dogs, and leave the other male dogs speechless. A Kendyll has charm by wearing the perfume 'Mutt'. (Not available in stores)
Mutts Dogs Hairy beasts U.F.O. Kendyll
by Kitty Boo Pefferson October 28, 2011
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kendyl loves sports and is extreamly good at them and usaly is very obnoxios and is selfcentered. she has brow hair and eyes . she is confident and smart sometimes. she has great combacks and hummer. boys love her and she has great friends she is also very pretty. boys call dibs when they see her
guy 1. she is awesome at sports

guy 2. and pretty she must be a kendyl i call dibs
by ktmkid16y December 6, 2018
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