In My Pants

A term used when something or someone is desirable or attractive
Dude i know, i wanted her so bad, Imp.
by hoodledoodle November 21, 2010
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A Imp is a shortened version for the word simpelton which is a form of a dumb ass, re-re , or in other words a simple minded person.
Sally:I tried to sniff coke before, but the ice cubes kept getting stuck in my nose.
Tom:You Imp.
by Kerianne July 4, 2005
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This word is actually the name of a boys car. The "Hilman Imp" is an English car and yes it is the biggest peice '0' shit you'll ever see. Someone should come an shit on it, and its driver!
Dude, i saw the Imp last night, it looked so crap i got a massive huge erection
by guzzly et al April 5, 2005
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stands for many words:
important, impossible, impressive, improbable, impartial, impatient, impolite...etc.

Basically you say "that's imp" when someone tells you something and you don't know how to respond. This lets the other person decide what he wants it to mean.

Most often is used to mean impressive.
"I climbed Mt. Everest today"
"that's imp"
(did he/she mean important? impossible? impressive? improbable?)
by dudethatsIMP November 30, 2009
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sum retarded person named aye who thinks shes really cool(see LOSER)
by miniafromeredith July 30, 2003
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Something very cool. come from the brokenness of the card Chimney Imp
Dude, that game is teh imp.
by Daenyth October 16, 2004
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sacrificing oneself, someone, or something.
imp yourself and see if that food tastes good
by shaybayy31 January 28, 2020
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