hm is a sound made after someone says something it can be used in a condescending/angry/confused/excited/speechless situation
(someone says something stupid) your response "hm"
by mikimoore June 16, 2010
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Hm Is an intelligent word that is used to describe a state of being. Or can be used in reply to someone when one doesn't care enough to send a whole sentence in reply.
"I'm bored." Tommy said.
"Hm" sammy replied, her mind elsewhere
by Bigpapidick January 2, 2019
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hot mama. for all you ladies out there, this word is for you! and my old sixth grade class mate. lol
me: i think that guy is wearing mascra.

my friend: OMG! hm!!! lol
by mysteriously weird December 8, 2010
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His/Her Majesty.

Title given to the highest of the British (and some other) royal families
by Gumba Gumba April 13, 2004
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The adult version of roommate, now graduated to Housemate. Usually not a desirable way to live, but often required in order to avoid living out of your SUV or a tarp underneath a bridge.
When your gated community condo is vacated by your spouse, leaving you stuck with a killer mortgage and high utilities, you must coexist with a HM to avoid foreclosure.
by KImCobain March 2, 2015
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When people are deep in conversation online and you have no way to join so you just type in Hm
Guy 1-why are black kids' hair always like a layer of black clouds
Guy 2-It's like a natural hat
To protecc from the sun
The spoopy sun
Guy 3-Hm
by ksip December 15, 2018
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Acronym for Hard-on Management Services.

A type of business which engages in managing male "hard-on's" usually by Hard-On Management Technicians, or HMTs.

Usually under a Hard-On Management Supervisor, which has the Technicians working under him.

Normally services are charged by the hour, the rate negotiated before the services are performed.

Rumored to be "The Oldest Profession"
Dude: Hey Joe, I heard you hard to call in HMS last night.

Joe: Yeah man, I needed some release. My HMT was pretty hot too.

Dude: How much did you pay?

Joe: I paid my HMT $200 for an hour, plus a tip.
by Okix25 December 6, 2011
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