Believed by non-rednecks to be an interjection. Believed to have originated in 1934 in a small town in Alabama called Mahsister(the name of the town comes from the founder who named it after the one who he liked having intercourse with most). In Mahsister, Alabama, in the summer of '34, a cat had climbed up a tree at one of the local drunken shindigs. The owner of the cat, standing beneath the tree, pointed at the cat while exclaiming "get her down!" The local hicks interpreted this as a celebratory interjection such as right on or yee haw. The locals began shouting the conflation of the phrase; "git'rdone" to rejoice and take part in a shared excitement.
Redneck: Hey Cletus an' Buford...Git'rdone!
Cletus and Buford: GITRDONE!!
by Willy August 22, 2004
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a stupid word hicks say 2 make themselves feel better about their miserable lives! my girlfriend is cheatin on me wat should i do.?
ya...lets go get a drink.
by hotpunk August 16, 2005
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The key phrase to white people's cultural shame. If you want to get back at white racists, yell this phrase at them in the dumbest southern accent possible. Make sure you know how to fight cause these animals will attack you.
I tell ya what boy I hate me some coloreds. G-G-G-G-GIT R DONE!
by CulturalEye March 15, 2007
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A noun of adjective describing people of usually blue collar communities. Often termed as rednecks. By definition everyone living in a Blue Collar Community is a Git-r-Done. The degree of which is based on upbringing. Old School Git-r-Dones are usually Parents and Grandparents that grew up on farms and know how to carry out most manual labor tasks. They are characterized by their moral values and their love of their family. New Age Git-r-Dones are a bunch of young kids who like to ride 4-wheelers around the town and act like they're tough.
Tom might be able to lift the most weights but I bet Billy Bob can beat him at arm wrestling, he's got Git R Dones strength.
by rhino11 April 1, 2009
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A process started by the nWo clan, and perfected by Rick James. It's when you reach back, slap your bitch, and take a gulp of your icey cool 211 Steel Reserve.
Chickenhead: Gimme some money, I need to shave my vagina
You: Git-R-done, bitch.
by nWo roolz March 30, 2005
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