An idiotic or incompetent person.
An unintelligent person.
Ashneel: O shit I accidentally put on two left shoes this morning .. shhiiittt

Irene: o my god! What a funnel!

Zara: FUNNEL bro
by Ziceless November 11, 2016
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The act of doing coke - to 'funnel' it up your nose. Snorting a line
"I just picked up some nice powder, lets go funnel."
"Man I'm about to funnel six lines."
by Source: Jally Mary Jane Aard February 18, 2008
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Funnel or Funneling is an expression also used in the world wide popular MMORPG "World of Warcraft". The consept of the word was invented (as story is beeing told) by Exellia and Ljungfrau on the pvp server Vashj. The best place to preform a funnel is in the Draenei city "Exodar". To do this you need a mage, simply for the ability they have to make portals. What you do is create a portal behind the place where you will end up if you take the portal. Line up as many people as possible. Run towards the portal click it and you will end up where you started. Do this rapidly over and over again. It's hillarious.
"zomg lulz let's go to exodar and funnel"
by hixcie May 29, 2008
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The act of doing coke - to 'funnel' it up your nose
"Yo I just funneled six lines"
"I just picked up, lets go funnel"
by Jally Mary Jane Aard February 13, 2008
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When someone takes food from your plate without asking.
Oi Steve stop funnelling my potatoes
by mcdanfake September 21, 2018
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A device connected to a hose that is used to carry ones urine from the inside, to the outside of my dad's garage.
"Look out man, I gotta use the funnel."

"Don't forget to flush."
by chig June 15, 2004
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Common for System Administrators to use the word funnel as a Firewall/Tunnel
Yo setup that IPSEC Funnel
by Lord Vega March 5, 2004
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