A Phrase used when you are feeling like an idiot for saying something, or someone gives you shit for something.
"Karla"- Hey matt, why didnt you go to class this morning there was a test?"
"Matt"- Fuck me Right?

Adam-"Matt Why didnt you drink last night, you could of gotten laid easily?

Matt-"Fuck me right?"

Fuck me right is a rossy saying.

by Matt Feichtinger October 30, 2007
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Became popular in the 2007 movie SuperBad. This Phrase is used when you are feeling disrespected or if you come up short on luck.
Example 1:

Evan - "Hey is this the line for the bathroom?"

Chick - "What the fuck does it look like.."

Evan - "Ohh yea.. Fuck Me right"

Example 2:

Student 1 - "Excuse Me Mrs. Teacher May i use the bathroom?"

Teacher - "No, you've been disrespectful today"

Student 2 - "Could I go to the Bathroom?"

Teacher - "Sure"

Student 1 - "FUCK ME RIGHT.."

by Superbad2009 April 15, 2009
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Used whenever one is in an unfavorable situation, or whenever one feels like they are in a state of "fucked".
Nick: Hey Aaron, have you gotten laid lately?
Aaron: Nope. Fuck me, right?

Micheal: Hey, do you guys hear that ticking noise?
Micheal: Fuck me, right?
by Shady Nasty??? October 18, 2011
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A more defiant way of saying fuck off, typically used for emphasis or to sound like the smartass you're saying it to.
Smartass: Well uh, I know that that actually isn't true because—
Pissed Guy: Why don't you fuck right off!?
by Some Sarcastic Guy March 26, 2017
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"binge drinkers like me tend to get right-fucked pretty quickly"
by WhiteIce89 February 24, 2006
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1) Making fun of someone by using the word "fuck you", but also using it as a question.
Devon: yoo that bitch over there just gave me a nasty stare.

Thomas: (looks to girl) hey, fuck you, right?
by NightHawkOriginal May 2, 2009
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Random command, usually uttered when it is completely irrelevant to the subject at hand.

The command is most commonly associated with a Northern Kentucky man named Fred, who looks like Billy Bob Thornton and Ted Nugent's Unabomber grandfather; a man who likes to impart his terse wisdom during local news interviews about trainwrecks, no fucks given.
BILLY: Gee whiz, Dad. I hope that Obamacare doesn't cause our health insurance premiums to go up!
DAD: Fuck her right in the pussy!

NEWS REPORTER: Sir, can you tell us more about the oil spill you witnessed?
JOE SIXPACK: I sure can! I was sitting on my front porch and fuck her right in the pussy!

WIFE: The Carters are having a barbecue on Saturday. Should we make potato salad or macaroni salad?
HUSBAND: Fuck her right in the pussy!
by Rainer Rose June 14, 2014
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