When you spread a girls bootyhole really far apart then put cooked ramen in her ass and water with koolade packets and some Hershey chocolate and eat that shit straight outta her ass
Girl: wanna do the Douchy
Boy: hell yeah but it better be chicken ramen and grape koolade
by Kakashi_Hatake7 December 22, 2020
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Once a male has ejaculated into a woman (who is on her period) the woman stands over him and lets the cum and period blood drip on his chest.
Why do you like getting the Douchie from Veronica so much, you might as well let her shit on your chest?
by Pete Pabs June 7, 2010
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it is an affect after having anal sex with a chic and you pull it out and your dick has a shit log on it. Similar to a corndog.
You best lick that douchie off my dick bitch
by Anonymous February 27, 2003
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Origanating in a small town in MI. a douchie is the ugly cousin of the douch bag
if ya know what i mean
douchie's are primarily used as nutrition for ethiopian puppies
I am a douchie
wynn is a douchie
by douchie August 26, 2004
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A variety of the word douche bag, the term douchie baggins upholds its prototype's offensive reputation while referring to a character in "The Lord of the Rings" (who is related to Dildo Baggins).
Mr. Cunningham gave me D on my last essay, he's been a real douchie baggins this whole semester.
by Mikey McBeats March 12, 2008
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someone who is even more of a douche than a douche
That guy I met at the bar last night wasn't just a douche. What was he then? He was a Douchy Douche!!!
by |V|46607 December 25, 2008
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A dance that involves bending the knees and bouncing slightly while swaying left to right with your elbows out.
Emily is doing the douchie dew.
by Michaelfalconejr November 13, 2018
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