North American (United States) "Dingbat" is what you can call someone when they do (harmless) space, careless, airheaded/silly things. It is not necessarily an insult, my mother would say "ya dingbat!" when I was spaceyy and tripped up with some task that was simple and easy and most likely routine. She used this word instead of instead of "you're silly" or instead of "you airhead!" It could be used as an insult I guess, but I've only used it in a "dark" manner when seriously discussing a person's actions and personality, when they have been implicated in something that did end up being a seriouse problem and/or mistake. In such a case, I would be using it to give context to their personality and actions. Up to the point of causing a danger or serious mistake, "dingbat" alone can be used to describe the person. If they did/do directly cause a harm, then that goes past being a dingbat. If they indirectly cause harm then they may or may not be within the dingbat range. If they tend to gossip or overall or share too much information and are not malicious, then dingbat can be an appropriate word. Whether or not the speaker is mildly to seriously annoyed with the person in question, dingbat is and is not the word to use. It really does vary but in most cases I havlve witnessed/been a part of, it is used to describe a dumb/spacey/careless person in situ. Or in general. I accidentally pressed the wrong button... (Person 2:) you dingbat!
by Rvnclwnoitall October 15, 2017
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In Kentucky, a slang term for somebody so daft that they LITERALLY don't know which way is up.
"That dingbat couldn't tell the difference between a six and a nine!"
by Norm DeGuerre May 24, 2013
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A weird thing, person or situation, a person considered stupid or foolish.
A set of fonts showing pictures instad of letters.
You are a real dingbat.

I was talking to your best friend, he told me your were in on holiday, he is a real dingbat isn't he.

I tried to cash my wifes paycheck, I felt like a dingbat when they refused me because of my sex.
by John365 March 13, 2003
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An inflammatory condition of the brain that causes humans to turn into dingbats
E.g. When someone says something utterly when a colleague says the dumbest thing in the world or your partner says something daft..."don't worry it probably just a case of dingbatitis..."
by Pharmatron March 27, 2011
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someone who is an idiot but you don't feel like calling them an idiot
Jess was a dingbat for putting scorpions on her head
by pizza2023 November 18, 2018
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Dingbat is someone who attempts to provide a definition of the word “Dingbat” and misspells the word “retarded” in his or her definition.
Dingbat is someone who attempts to provide a definition of the word “Dingbat” and misspells the word “retarded” in his or her definition.
by Not RETARTED, RETARD June 8, 2009
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(ding'*bat') n. Slang 1. A person, esp. a woman, lacking common sense and an ability to properly reason.
The dingbat backed into another car while talking to her girlfriend on her cell phone.
by Paul Rael March 10, 2008
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