Trudeau Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is a mental condition in which a person has been driven effectively insane due to their dislike of Justin Trudeau, to the point they will abandon all logic and reason because of the infection.
That unvaccinated trucker over there just has a bad case of Trudeau Derangement Syndrome.
by McCheeeeze February 18, 2022
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When a guy grows up in the north and then founds a pro-Confederacy advocacy group then pretends that there's nothing racist about it.
Tom sure diagnoses people with Woods Derangement Syndrome a lot, but he's really just projecting his insecurities on himself.
by islands69 March 24, 2021
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A diagnosable medical condition in which the afflicted blindly follows Donald Trump, a.k.a. "The Chosen One." The afflicted is incapable of free thought, unable to critically evaluate the actions or any criticism of "Dear Leader," or otherwise accurately perceive the world around them. The mindless adoration of President Trump is so intense as to impairs the person’s judgment. Additional symptoms include blind hatred of those who preach tolerance and deference to verifiable facts, as opposed to whatever "Dear Leader" or His surrogates tell them to believe.
Many people in conservative echo chambers have an incorrect impression of Trump Derangement Syndrome, while suffering from it themselves.
by America Lover 🇺🇸 October 22, 2020
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A talking point intended to dismiss the majority of Americans, who understand that Donald Trump is unfit to manage a McDonald's, as crazy. Generally unsuccessful, as supporting Donald Trump makes it clear that you are batshit stupid.
The high school dropout, who won't watch anything but Fox "News," has Trump Derangement Syndrome.
by America Lover 🇺🇸 October 22, 2020
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Abbreviated BDS, when people irrationally criticize Joe Biden for manufactured controversies created on right-wing media, with the criticisms often being hypocritical
Biden Derangement Syndrome was spread to millions of people through the air waves of Fox News.
by UrbanDefinitionMaker August 26, 2021
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Condition a person suffers from when they are so invested in their pro-Trump, anti-American views that they begin to behave erratically, disregard facts that expose their sire's gross incompetence, and invent fictional diagnoses to undermine the conclusions drawn by sensible people
Any person who continues to support and defend Trump after the recent traitorous statements in Helsinki surely suffers from Truth Derangement Syndrome.
by beefnasty July 18, 2018
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Emotional condition akin to anger that a rational person feels when surrounded by retarded people. It is also akin to having your head hammered by Kraut.
Today 85% of Americans suffer Bush Derangement Syndrome due to prolonged exposure to Bush administration.
by Krauthammer October 21, 2008
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