Steve: Hey! Are you playing Red Dead Online?

Bob: Steve, I’m staring at a wall...
by Sega Saturn March 22, 2021
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When having sex with your partner, they must be on their period, and you have to wear a cowboy hat, while screaming "Yeehaw!"
Me and my girlfriend were play Red Dead Redemption last night. If you know what I mean...
by Fedora Tricks January 24, 2019
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Prehaps the greatest game about the Wild West ever made which has the greatest main character in all of gaming because he kicks so much ass and even when he was a kid, he burnt the living piss out of his hand to shoot of some dudes arm! The only bad this is the fact that all the faggots on the 360 who play Red Dead Redemption AKA Grand Theft Horse, don't even relise that this game exist.
Gamer 1: "Dude, what do you think of RDR? IT'S THE SHIT RIGH'?"

Gamer 2: "Yeah, it was good and all but I think the original Red Dead Revolver had a better story and characters."

Gamer 1: "Original? What the fuck are you talking about?"
by SomeguyIsuppose2 May 31, 2010
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taylor got a red dead redemption from watching sebastian bach

taylor got a red dead redemption from watching noobdaddy1
by teapea June 2, 2010
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You were trying to type red dead Redemption, but you misspelled it, you see an urban dictionary, so you clicked on it.
Guy: I hope red dead redempton 2 comes out soon
Guy 2: lmao what

Guy 1: *redemption
Guy 2: oh ok lol
Guy 3: what u talking about
Guy 3: lmao, what
Guy 3: talk bitch
Guy 4: despacito
by The classic memer July 25, 2018
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The red dead exemption occurs when polite society gives communism (or those who self identify as communist) a free pass despite the atrocities communism has led to. In other words, communism is exempt from criticism.

This free pass gives the carrier special privileges that result in people either overlooking the actions of communism or the individual's misdeeds as a result of their affiliation with communism.

Other ideologies with lower kill counts are not eligible for this pass. This is likely due to the communist long march through western institutions.

You are eligible for the Red Dead Exemption if you satisfy any of the following criteria:

1) you are a communist country guilty of genocide against its own people or other peoples.

2) you are aware of governments like those in point 1 and still believe communism is a force for good.

3) you are a westerner who has never experienced communism and think it sounds like a good idea.

4) you are a woke fordian who holds communist beliefs.
Guy 1: "Dude, Suzie just came out as a communist. I can't believe she'd associate herself with such a murderous ideolog..."
Guy 2: "Are you kidding me? Communism is the most peaceful ideology in human history"
Guy 1: "ah, I see you have granted her the Red Dead Exemption. This conversation is over"
by Souper Rare January 20, 2022
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AKA Grand Theft Horse: Desert in the Middle of Freaking Nowhere.

The game has probably the worst map ever created in the world of virtual worlds. It is literally a sandbox.

The gameplay is awesome though. Go buy it.
Gamer 1: Dude, I just got Grand Theft Hor- I mean, Red Dead Redemption!
Gamer 2: Oh dude, that game sucks balls.
(Gamer 1 and 2 play for 5 hours straight)
by I liek chips yo May 22, 2010
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