dae is not annoying
by dae <3 March 17, 2021
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something or someone that is funny and stupid usually said a playful manner
Person 1: *farts/burps in a cute way*
Person 2: DAE !
by sharklette August 2, 2019
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Dae is a brazilian expression like eaethat means hello or "how are you" the correct work for you is mane.
Dae mane! Eae? blz?
Hello dude, how you doing?
by Roberto Souto April 23, 2008
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street slang for there
Man 1 - "Hey bruh, where did you put my keys?" Man 2 - " Over dae (points at table)"
by 2 Scranz December 5, 2013
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used to make fun of someone and refer to them being homosexual at the same time
guy 1: i sex wit men
by poiuytrewqasdfghjkl August 24, 2007
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A person who thinks that anything/anyone is cute.
You are such a dae. cute
by xDanners June 10, 2013
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really means -- any one of a number of {blow job} giving folk who like girls under 13yrs old. Alternately it can mean any member of said group who is a member of the JD/ Sir Bart fan club - cause he roxxors the dae peoples moms and sisters. .
All DAE members are so gay that one FerreDuDrknes can pwown em all.

and thier moms dress em funny
by BC owns you homos. February 18, 2005
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