abbreviation for "dog-fucking time." "Fucking the dog" is an expression for wasting time, especially while on the job.
"Man I only worked 3 hours this shift, all the rest was dft."
by Jno April 19, 2007
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Commenter: Dude, this article is awesome.
Reply: DFT
by cidinho May 20, 2009
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Don't Fuck That
<driving in car>
girl: Mommy, look, a squirrel got hit by a car ;(
mother: NO DFT!
kid: ERIN DFT!
by yesthatsmejose September 2, 2008
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Any executive within the Banking, Mortgage or Insurance industries that, despite their own failed job performance, still believe they should be grossly over-compensated at the expense of stockholders, or more recently, taxpayers, via bailout monies.
Executives at AIG are a prime example of a Domestic Financial Terrorist (DFT's). After they run their company into the ground, they keep their job then pay themselves millions of taxpayer bailout money as a bonus.

Also known as Poo-Flinging-Office-Monkeys.(No offense to monkeys, they likely would have done a better job running AIG).
by Meeray March 17, 2009
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Down for tonight.
"Hey are you dft, Jessica's throwing a huge party!"
by Yung won ton May 31, 2019
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a shorter way of saying "dont forget that".
dft your moms birthday is next weekend or shes going to smack the poop out of you.
by infirezman June 11, 2017
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