A tree's last moment of revenge.
Teacher-Okay class lets do the math test *Hands out paper*
*Bobs hand gets split open from the paper cut*
Paper-MUAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH Oh no... *Drowns from blood*
The end
by ExplicitThinking December 7, 2017
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a method of taiwanese torture where one is given a bad paper cut on their jugular vein on their neck and then left to bleed out until the information is given
Did you hear Mark was given the Paper Cut of Death in Taiwan
by will.i.am96 November 30, 2010
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The pain felt by multiple revisions of digital documents to achieve an end product / presentation
After input received from 10 different co-workers, the author had multiple Digital Paper Cuts
by scottnangie9 June 26, 2010
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1. Someone who's all talk & no action.

2. Someone who claims they're so tough, & when it comes to it, they pussy out.

3. Someone who acts tough on the phone/computer & then when you see them in person, they act all pussy.

4. Someone who talks shit & say they can/are going to "kick your ass" ; yet when you go to comfront them, they pussy out.
Friend 1: Did you hear about what Suzie did?

Friend 2: I know, she totally called Amber a bitch! And when Suzie went to comfront her, she denied everything & pussied out!

Friend 1: Yeah! She acts like such a Tough Paper Cut.
by Anairiax3 August 3, 2011
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When a man or woman drags thier fingernails (similar to a credit card swipe) down thier significant others ass crack resulting in euphoria in most cases.
That slut is so dirty that she would get off on a paper cut.
by pitbull5984 December 18, 2006
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A recently discovered reference to a black woman's vagina
Craig - "so what did you do with that black chick you picked up last night?"

Simon - "I stabbed her one right in her dirty paper cut"

Craig - "Did it hurt?"

Simon - 'It stung a bit but I'll get over it"

Craig - "Sore"

Simon - "Yep she certainly is"
by SpringyEcho March 2, 2010
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