see crap or craptastic

1) used to genuinely show that you don't care about someones story

2) used to quickly change conversation topic when you desperately need to tell someone something

also; Craptastical, Craponderful, or Crapawsome.

Raquel:...sooo... it was... sooooooo boring at my aunts. I mean, like... soooooo boring...

Morgan: Yea, That's Craptastic!, Raquel.... bye.


Jordane: hey Tay-Taaay! watsup? iamsoooo happy cuz...

Taylor: That's Craptastic!... don't call me Tay-Tay.
by spyder gurl August 30, 2008
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Same as:


Anagram for:

Commie Rat-bastard Asshat Pinko
Totalitarian Anti-American Socialist Tyrannical Ignorant Cretin... See More

Used to describe political progressives
The C.R.A.P.T.A.S.T.I.C.s will use whatever tactic they can come up with to silence dissent and stifle free speech, including, but not limited to, calling concerned citizens a sexually explicit derogatory term (teabagger) in an effort to embarrass, discredit, and shut them down.
MSNBC is a CRAPTASTIC cable channel.
by peg_c May 5, 2010
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Lame Boring Useless Inane

Craptastic is the bastard child of the word Crappy and Fantastic. Generally meaning something that was either supposed to be good or nice, has become something horrid or disgusting.

Also known to define something as mind numbingly boring/lame.
"Wow, this cake looked good in the catalog but it's taste is craptastic!"

"This new video game I bought got so much I hype that I was anxious to play it but now that I have it's simply craptastic."
by OkiMar July 23, 2008
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A humourus way to bring the over-enthusiastic person back down to earth.
Rob: "This is going to be the best thing ever!"

Patty: "Craptastic!"
by Rob November 18, 2003
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Unbelievably messed up; the icing on the cake; the straw that broke the camel's back; the highlight of an already fucked up day; an event that is unforseen and which happens so suddenly it leaves the beholder almost speechless with dismay
And as if my day hadn't been bad enough up until this point, I go home to find my best friend in bed with my man. How craptastic is that!?!
by hthrB February 25, 2015
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Neo-Con, Airhead Yuppie, Corporate Libertarian or other overpaid, gormless but rich whacko rightwinger. Someone who thinks 45000 Americans dying each year is preferable to free healthcare.

Think Banker who screwed up and despite his self-proclaimed "rugged individualism", went crying to government for a bailout. Upwards of a trillion dollars was given to them at our expense, and despite the fact Bush gave it to them, they now proclaim loudly that the deficit it caused is Obama's fault.
CRAPTASTIC: Cretinous Rabid Anti Progressive Thickhead And Stupid Totally Incompetent Capitalist
by Ingrate2222 September 12, 2010
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My little brother convinced me to buy medel of honor frontline yesterday, and guess what... it's craptastic
by the real quazy_qual March 21, 2004
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