See also sket, slut, skank, whore, slag, ho, hoe, prossie
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hmm, were to start, they wear this stange white eyeshadow which looks like paint, they then wear so much hair gel that their hair actually looks painful, dont get me started on the 'gold' hoop earings, cigarette in one hand, mobile in another and probably sitting by her babys pram in the park outside her council block with her brethren around her swearing spitting and swigging cheap cider.
victimising emos and or goths and walking up to people and saying 'u dissin me' or something along those lines.

most of the time, these... people (i use the term lightly) are seen hanging around kids parks, outside supermarkets and in or around macdonalds,,, (note, they are normally sat in their boyfriends chavvy modified cars)

a new thing is to write and say 'izzles or ozzles' after every word along with old favourites such as 'oh my daze' and 'tis mush' and 'ite' instead of are you alright.

they wear mainly pink and white sports gear from shops like sports world and have those things that i call chav jackets, you know the body warmers with the huge furry hoods.

they are generally foul mouthed. the chavettes are either extremely skinny or over weight, over weight chavs normally dress like boys i think they think they are gangster

of course not forgetting sovereign rings and they have big mouths
my cousin (who i will save from the shame by not naming) is sadly a chavette, she most commonly wears mini skirts which barely cover her arse horrid pink and white trainers, a burberry type cap (that poor brand)calls everyone mush and says innit alot. she attends grasstrack meets and wears so much make up i am surprised that she can show emotion. her hair is like straw were she has dyed and straitened it far too much and she is obsessed with thise damn hooped earings!
by darrens_girl22 May 25, 2007
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A chavette is;

Looks; usually in last-seasons skinny jeans, a United Colours Of Benetton t-shirt, Ugg boots or 'pumps' and a body warmer complete with a fur hood. Either razor-straight hair or attempted scrunched with mousse. This results in wet looking, kinked, flat hair with no curl whatsoever. When the hair is up, usually pulled very tight into a side poyntail with an attempted quiff. Adores Dior. A ridiculous amount of eyeliner and make up is always used. Foundation line always visible.

Attitude; very arrogant. Anyone who would dare like Fall Out Boy and not Akon is labeled an emo, and tends to walk around playing unreleased R&B songs they found on LimeWire. Goes around in packs, attracts a worrying amount of male attention. In photos, a pose is always used.These range from the popular 'gunz' sign, blowing a kiss, looking up and away from the webcam in order to make eyes look better. Writes in capitals, but replaces a capital 'I' with 'ii'.
'I is gonna buy the new Akon single cos it's mash up. I is not a chavette you emo'
by Just.Daydream March 25, 2007
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The chavette is a female chav, they are very promiscuous often seen hanging around in groups of up to 10 in the local park or near the off license or bus shelter, sporting a very short skirt and a low cut top with some fake logo that ever so slightly resembles that of a more well known one and sometimes a fake logo baseball cap and some plastic gold "bling", trying to attract "fit bois" and acquire the ultimate chavette fashion accessory, a baby, or "babby". A Chavette's lifestyle choices often include (childcare permitting) a college course in hairdressing, beauty therapy, or although very rare, a music course where they can "lay some shit down" in other words talk very fast into a mic. Chavettes also hate moshers, rockers, punks and anyone who is not a chav or townie. Chavette music choices often include rave, dance, house, rap, hip hop, r&b ect.
Chavette - oi goffik ya sweaty twat ma bruvva's gonna kick ya head in ya get me.

Goth - That's if he's not still grounded lol

Chavette - oi oi don't ya dis ma bruvva ya mosha scum, Ya mumma stinks

Goth - your broher is not here lol, but my mates are... (10 goths walk over towards chavette)

Chavette - please don't hurt me yo, respect ma and i'll respect ya

Goth - goths creep closer

Chavette - (begins to cry), I want ma mumma yo, and runs off.
by NoHope December 27, 2006
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A female Chav also known as a female NED!!
Take a look at
by Danny-B- March 23, 2004
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baby chavs the next wave of chavs
nice chavletts
arrrggghhh the next wave is upon us
by daemon March 15, 2005
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Someone who is a borderline chav. They want to be a chav but just can’t seem to get there. They are wannabes.
She’s such a chavette!
by brig05 March 31, 2021
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