Go back to where to you belong you bitchen!
by donwang February 5, 2011
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A class of people who thought they were the better than everyone else. I was in the 'stoner' crowd in high school in the very early 70's. I have no idea what the rich kids in high school are called these days, but we called them "The Bitchens."
"Kip is one of The Bitchens. He doesn't associate with the likes of us."
by Old School April 21, 2004
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The term for the room in an urban apartment in which the bathroom is located in the kitchen.
Trish's new apartment in Williamsburg has a Bitchen.
by david fagin June 27, 2007
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How idiots spell the word "Bitchin'".
Idiot: Hey man, I had a bitchen party last night!!!1!
Intellectual: I believe you meant "bitchin'". Idiot.
by nicoleninja May 23, 2010
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During some parties, the place to be is the bitchen.
by itsbinkl182 February 19, 2011
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Most commonly used as slang for "Good times" etc. Also the name for bacon made from chicken. Bacon + chicken = Bitchen.
"Damn, this bitchen is awesome - I cant believe its chicken!"
"Pass the bitchen dude..."
by icubdi November 2, 2005
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