short for Protoss Arbiter from the PC game, StarCraft. The flying vessels provide invisibility to surrounding friendly units. They can stasis units to protect them from any and all damage, and can use recall to teleoprt units anywhere on the map.
Holy crap dude, that Arb just recalled 8 Reavers into my minerals.
by K Pittman September 3, 2005
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A little man, who is often extremely anal over his business.
It is usually used as a comparison but it can however be used as a term of endearment for a clever person.
You're more anal than ARB...
You're such an ARB
by Charlie Thoms February 27, 2004
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It is saying BRB in real words
Bee arbs, need the toilet.
by AssassinGG May 31, 2011
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An epic typo by Mabinogi NA player "archranger" of the Alexina server. This word was meant to be "Narb" but he failed so epicly it turned out as "Arb" and the term slowly developed into the frequently used word we know today, ARB!
1). Eddward is an ARB at cross dressing.
by Refuserishere July 30, 2011
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A Random Boner. Used to call attention to the penis to anyone who knows what ARB means.
Adam: Hey, ARB
Alberto: How big?
Adam: RAGING!!!
by hheihocd September 12, 2018
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A big bitch who has no life whatsoever and hates themself
"That arb is so annoying."
by Dadddddyyyyyy6969420 May 27, 2020
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