A great and amazing girl who likes pink and loves animals and pets. She is slightly socially awkward but is kind and tries her best to be a great friend. She is pretty- short in height, with very long dark brown hair and dark eyes, and milk chocolate colored skin. Probably from a Hispanic background. But not overly gorgeous so that people notice extensively. She is a great friend and will stick by your side no matter what. She likes her privacy and doesn't like to share much with other people. She can be a very needy friend but she will give you a lot of support back. She laughs at a lot of things. Overall, a great and amazing person who deserves the best.
Everyone needs an Alycia.
by fluffypuff2000 June 22, 2018
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Screams Aye Papi, is white girl with Hispanic roots that don't exist, with dreadlocks and the urge to have people play with her hair. Has an urge to sing in spanish with a really weird accent. and likes to read books and take typing tests. likes Pocahontas and the Little Mermaid and sings songs frequently
Your mother is Alycia
by illesha February 25, 2009
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1. Someone one who is hardcore, emo, or scene and loves emo guys in skinny jeans with eyeliner.
2. A girl who wears different colored pants everyday and dark make up and band shirts. But somehow can be straight at the same time.
1. Alycia looks very hardcore while watching guys walk by in skinny jeans.
2. Alycia wore her electric blue jeans today and dark make up holding hands with a guy being straight as can be.
by .:Drop Dead:. March 11, 2009
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She hates Christmas, Easter and pink. she will probably never amount to anything. her best quality is she's self deprecating. LET ME JUST SAY THIS. NOT STRAIGHT. I repeat. NOT. STRAIGHT. SHES SO GAY, EVEV HER HAIR DOESN'T STAY STRAIGHT WHEN SHE STRAIGHTENS IT
by febreezdaddy December 30, 2016
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Guy: she’s so annoying

Guy2: she must be an Alycia
by Poopyourpants May 2, 2020
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alycia=D a name of a person who will make your heart race just by saying hi youll fall in love with her in a week. she gorgeous in every way and sometimes you just want to hold her all night and fall even more in love
alycia=D is the definition of love
by lifeforsaleantakers April 9, 2009
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