a phrase derived from the Spanish language; often used during sexual intercourse
"... uh... uhh... uhhh... AYE PAPI!"
by runcrackah January 15, 2009
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The new term, replacing "my ovaries," that sexually frustrated teenage girls use to describe a hot guy.

Usually used on Twitter by Directioners.

The more letters in the word, the more overly dramatic.
Girl 1: OMG look at that cutie walking down the hall...

Girl 2: *Swoons* aye papi!
by that kid on twitter December 8, 2013
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A horny way to call ur boifriend while having sex
by jacko March 30, 2005
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Spanish in origin. The equivalent to "Oh daddy" in English. 1. What a Tijuana whore says when she takes your dick out of your pants. 2. What your cheating slutwife screams in the middle of sex because that she has been fucking the Gardener while you're at work. 3. How a Mexican child greets a male parent.
"Ay Papi! Jew got a beeg deek por a leedle chinito."
by Motown John October 23, 2007
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what you scream when you're riding shotgun and the driver is about to drive into on-coming traffic because you're scared shit-less and no other words would come out; a warning cry that has saved many people from a traffic accident
"We're alive today because she screamed 'Ay Papi!'"
by mknyc December 21, 2011
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