A middle aged conservative white male who like all middle aged conservative white males drone on and on and on about "morality" and "God".
Like all middle aged ocnservative white males, he also cheats on his wife and obviously has no respect for the impact it would have on his children
by jon April 2, 2005
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One of the worst things you could call someone. Known to have a "talk show" that he says is in the "no spin zone." Right, and the Earth doesn't have gravity. Someone who has the audacity to cut off decent guests (example Ron Paul) who have differing (i.e. CORRECT) views from him during interviews. Basically just another mouth piece for the neocons.

Also included in the worst things you could call someone are George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Rupert Murdoch, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Ann Coulter, Pat Robertson, Rush Limbaugh, etc.
"Dude, you never gave him a chance to answer your questions during your debate... Way to be such a Bill O'Reilly."
by badassmothafucka90 February 18, 2010
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A silly Republican that is confused by teleprompters.
You know that, Bill O'Reilly? You need to shut up.
by A_K June 10, 2008
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A fake politician who's only reply is "shut up" when he fails to interrupt someone. Bill O'Reilly tends to be proven wrong all the time, and has to edit out a ton of the footage to make someone look like a bad person.
"______ owns Bill O'Reilly on air." Fill that blank with anything and there's a 97% chance it has happened.
by Psedoudnym June 26, 2015
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A moron who can only see things from his upside down retarded view of the world. Bible thumper, hates when somone owns him on his show and will froth at the mouth when verbally backed into the corner. then he will pounce with more nonsense and conservative but "fair and balanced" remarks that only make everyone hate him more for not being able to admit that he was wrong.
Holy crap i tried to tell this guy that not all muslims hate america and then he did a Bill O'Reilly
by Ronpaul2012foshow June 24, 2009
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a very dumb, racist, homophob cracker who molests women and probably little boyys too. Thinks he is god. needs to get a shape-up relly badly.
hi my name is Bill O'reilly but u can just call me the dumbest shit on Earth.

in the words of Ludacris "hi mr. O'reilly. Don't forget to kiss the plaintiff an the wifey
by Truth Bringer May 8, 2005
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