1 definition by badassmothafucka90

One of the worst things you could call someone. Known to have a "talk show" that he says is in the "no spin zone." Right, and the Earth doesn't have gravity. Someone who has the audacity to cut off decent guests (example Ron Paul) who have differing (i.e. CORRECT) views from him during interviews. Basically just another mouth piece for the neocons.

Also included in the worst things you could call someone are George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Rupert Murdoch, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Ann Coulter, Pat Robertson, Rush Limbaugh, etc.
"Dude, you never gave him a chance to answer your questions during your debate... Way to be such a Bill O'Reilly."
by badassmothafucka90 February 18, 2010
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