A Graeme is a short person who is socially awkward and blushes often. Graemes are super smart yet stink when it comes to language classes (probably due to the social awkwardness). They love to sing and would totally rock a button down.
Wow, Graeme is cool.
by Frog King 8 January 19, 2023
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friend1: "Wow! Did you see that?!?"
friend 2: "No, what did you see?"

friend 1: "I'm not sure, but I think it was a Graeme Carson!"
friend 2: "No way! I guess we just missed our opportunity to be it's friend."
friend 1\; "Damn. I always wanted a Graeme Carson of my own."
by pineapplexpressman March 27, 2015
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That moment after you're girlfriend lays a steaming turd on your chest while you stroke your cock and you hear her husband coming, so you stand up quickly while continuing to masturbate as the turd slides down your belly on to your cock making a huge mess.
I pulled this bird last night, after taking her home and getting her to squat over me, I heard her husband coming up the stairs so I had to Dirty Graeme myself and get out of there.
by Batesy23 December 16, 2018
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“Joshua James Graeme” is a stupid douche bag that can’t treat his girlfriend right
wow he is a Joshua James Graeme.”
by lolprincessqueen May 3, 2018
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When you fill a 2 litre coke bottle with water, proceed into a handstand, and then insert the open bottle into your rectum in hopes of increasing bowel movements.
1: Man I haven't I shit in 2 weeks
2: have you tried doing a Graeme?
by SplitscreenFace November 7, 2022
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will always listen to you and make you laugh. he’s a little awkward sometimes but it’s okay because he’ll play roblox with you and make you smile 😋 he also is willing to do whatever you want if he cares enough about you, even if that means being a little zesty and cropping his shirt. genuinely a tall, kind, patient boy who is actually so adorable and cute.
i have the biggest fattest crush on graeme ever
by graeme is zesty October 23, 2023
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