Removing or Kicking somebody out.

Orgin: 1940's? bartender slang.

bartenders use to switch 100% proof to 86% proofs after a person got drunk. cuz the loaded person couldn't tell the differnce. and when person falls asleep at the bar they would get booted out. this would help them get more customers and save up for the more stonger and costly proofs everybody wants.

now it is used to mean to get rid of something or a person (not at bars).
haha! I saw james passed out cold outside of the bar! he been 86'ed.

you got to 86 that gold tooth man.. that shit is tacky.
by LEC2 May 9, 2003
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A bar/restaurant slang used to describe the end of something or as an action to get rid of something. Can also be used in reference to "offing" or killing someone...which is where (slightly) its origin comes from...

It's origin comes from when they would dig grave sites 8 feet long and 6 feet deep. When a person died, they would be "86-ed".
"86 the mahi mahi"

"86 that drunken moron"

"That's it, pal, you don't shut up and you'll be 86-ed"
by ashamalee February 28, 2005
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86 refers to a bar in new york, probably in manhattan though some say the bronx, that had a fire department inspection sign prohibiting more than 85 persons from occupying the bar at the same time, based on square footage. whenever a customer acted up, the bartender, would declare, "that's it, you're 86, get out or be thrown out". a few bars whose occupancy number was 85 have claimed to be the original
but proof is lacking for any particular place.
by the old bronx bartender October 1, 2011
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86 - to be cast away, kicked out, got rid of etc etc
Used by Green Day in a song after they were 'kicked out' of the punk scene in their home area, after gaining major label success.
''Billie Joe Armstrong and Green Day are 86'd from GilmanST in East Bay and cannot ever return to it''
by Anon456 September 11, 2006
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To be kicked out, usually refering to getting kicked out of a bar by a bouncer.
Aight buddy, you've been 86-ed.
by Rob February 15, 2005
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Control agent who dated and married 99. Bumbling idiot who foiled K.A.O.S. plots through idiocy, dumb luck, and tomfoolery.
"it's the old wacky definition of misunderstood word to piss people off trick."
by waltermitty February 24, 2005
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To kill, end, or otherwise cease service of.
Origin: In the soup kitchens and breadlines of the Great Depression, the standard cauldron would hold 85 cups of soup. Thus, the eighty-sixth person in line was SOL.
We had to 86 the Blowjob Shots when the Kahlua ran out.
by Nick Beemer July 13, 2004
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