People born on July 8 are the most annoying little shits on earth.
No wonder Stephan is so annoying, he is born on July 8.
by OrphanDestroyer21 June 1, 2021
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The day where Canadians experienced a nation-wide internet outage, causing people to flock to the nearest malls and Starbucks to use its Wi-Fi. Public apparatuses such as ATMs and PoS systems were rendered unusable, forcing thousands of businesses across Canada to close shop for the day.

Also goes to show that Canada's internet monopoly needs to fucking die (and lower their damn prices).
Guy 1: Hey remember July 8, 2022?
Guy 2: Wasn't that the day where Rogers themselves couldn't even access the internet to announce the outage?
Guy 1: Ye lol
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You:" wtf are you doing?"
Me:" oh its july 8 so it's also kamii day, gotta praise my lord"
by ohnaur January 12, 2022
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He is a playboy and a lying character, he doesn't know how to eat, sleep, he is the worst boy
He : How you correct all girls
He : because i born in july 8
by Karmegakuzhali May 28, 2021
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(1) noun National "beat the shit out of your friend day" | (2) verb the act of beating the shit out of somebody.
Jacob: I can't wait for July 8!
Rusty: I am going to July 8 the hell out of Alex
by CaffeineBeanPro July 6, 2023
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