staycation , staying home this year, NOT going on vacation. Economy is bad , money is tight and we are going on staycation.
by Robbi di Escosi June 2, 2009
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When you're to poo' to go anywhere on vacation so you stay home.
Damn, we wanted to get a room with a heart shaped bed and a champaign shaped jacuzzi at Mount Airy Lodge but I'm too broke. We'll just do a staycation and stay at home and watch Oprah.
by wtf9999999 July 15, 2008
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Stay home with BAE either on a weekday or weekend, bunking work or college, and enjoy the luxuries of a vacation. Drinking, watching Netflix, dancing to music, making out, cooking etc.
Shubi: What did you do on the weekend?
Karan: I did a staycation
by karunisms January 12, 2017
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The process by which, people reside at home for it to economically fit for their needs instead opting to go down south.
" Instead of flying to Cuba Tommy and his friends had a staycation at Jim Bob's residence."
by Benji + Katinka March 16, 2009
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When you are so pissed at your significant other that you do everything you can to ignore them for a week or longer, but you are too damn lazy to leave or move out. (It's like a twenty four hour ice, but longer.)
After working all damn day and doing the dishes after dinner, my lazy-ass old woman bitched at me for not cleaning the fucking spoon rest. So I took a week long relation staycation. I fucking hate moving.
by CXR February 17, 2015
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Man 1: What's up? Ain't seen you around the plant much lately.
Man 2: And you won't either. I've undergone a lifestyle upgrade. My dial set to chill and froze in that position. I'm ridin' the stationary wave of a permanent staycation.
Man 2's wife (under her breath): Uh huh. Only wave that fool's likely to ride is when I wave his lazy, unemployed ass goodbye.
by Pbaddy October 13, 2009
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A dick that falls in between boyfriend dick and vacation dick. You can ride it every night, you just have to pack the lube.
She told Michael he was bigger than boyfriend dick, but not quite vacation dick—she could ride him nightly if there was lube provided, a nice Staycation dick.
by LeighCalli August 6, 2020
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