A kick ass band. 311 doesn't mean kkk. its the police code for indecent exposure
Put on your God Damn pants or I'm gunna arest you for indecent exposure!!
by PeNdEr April 10, 2004
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A mix of reaggae, hard rock, funk, and rap. Absolutely the most talented/original group of musicians you will ever have the pleasure of listening to. Pure Musical Enjoyment in every sense.
After hearing 311, all other bads will pale in comparison.
by Nick October 27, 2003
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311 is the only REAL band out there today.... straight out of Omaha, Nebraska, they combine reaggae, punk, rock, metal, and rap to form the best music out there. 311 is also the police code in Nebraska for Indecent Exposure.
"I was tired of listening to Britney Spears, so I began listening to 311."
by InsaneKanuck December 28, 2004
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Person #1: You going to bring some bud to the 311 show?

Person #2: hell yea bro!
by Drew March 17, 2005
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Five guys making music. Nick, miT, SA, Pnut and Chad are great musicians and them some with a bag of chips. They rock.
Look at the members of 311 - they rock.
by Chris May 27, 2003
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A band that sings songs such as "Beautiful Disaster" and "Amber"
by Flagerant November 24, 2003
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An amazing band. They are the most talented and original band out there. The band includes Nick Hexum, P-nut, miT(Tim Mahoney), Chad Sexton, and Sa martinez, all of which are amazing musicians. They have been together for 20 years and counting,as they continue to tour every summer with bands such as pepper, the offspring, and sublime. They also continue to put out kick ass records every few years. People who hate 311 often enjoy listening to artists such Kesha or Justin Beiber and have a dull taste in music. 311 has a song for every mood and occasion.
Jump up and down cuz that's the 311 stylee
by lanalove April 14, 2011
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