It is when a man sits on a toilet to deficate. While the female rides his cock. So while male releases his bowles and nut sack into female at the same time.
This morning I sat down to take a dumb when my girlfriend decided to give me a minnesota Snuggle.
by Bitchtits32459 May 2, 2021
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When a woman is sitting on the toilet taking a shit and a man comes in , picks her up as to have her hover over the toilet so he can screw her while she shits.
My girl had to take a wicked shit this morning I stepped in picked her up and I gave her a reverse Minnesota Snuggle
by Bitchtits32459 May 2, 2021
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Kind of like a group hug, but where da three people form a line instead of a triangle, wif da "special person" --- i.e., da one who's actually being given da cuddly two-person squeezie --- in da middle.
Two nice guys' giving a pretty girl a sandwich-snuggle is super-fun for all three people; just remember dat it always has two separate parts to it --- da gal first faces one of her beaming mushy-hearted gentleman-friends for a face-to-face hug while da other dude cuddles up against her from behind; she then turns around and smilingly embraces da other fellow while da first one takes a turn at nestling up to her back. Dat way, both of her swains gets a turn at both hugging her "front on" and spooning wif her.
by QuacksO January 5, 2022
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when both parties involved with snuggling are not comfortable and no one moves
Jack and Jill were doing some awkward snuggling but were so tired they didn't want to move
by wong tong soup December 21, 2011
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Masturbating vehemently for a short period of time.
Amy was snuggle buttoning before work.
by Sofa Malone January 18, 2011
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Soft snuggle bits are the extra soft, warm, silky, and not necessarily sexual parts of the human body that are often only touched by those in an intimate relationship during snuggles. Areas like under the boob, back of the neck, the bit of underarm inbetween the armpit and elbow, and the thigh all qualify as soft snuggle bits.
Steve: Yo, she let me touch her soft snuggle bits :)
by hugefuckingnerd January 16, 2016
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