ugh why cant i be with andrew. fucking boyfriend sms
by lucas rosado August 23, 2018
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suck my strap ( term use sexual as a strap on dildo ..)
Do you want to suck my strap ( SMS)
by ShortAsJy May 16, 2022
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I dunno really, think its smelly like
Wow look at Kia, en she sm le
by BigBootyBandit99 October 11, 2019
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A way to write the word "smile" online that includes the smiley emoticon. Not very commonly used and kind of confusing tbh
"Hey, you should sm:)e more!"
"This job has been a real pain. Sm:)e."
by imbriandead January 19, 2023
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When you say smd (suck my dick) and niggas say “what dick you got??” you can say sms ( suck my strap)

strap meaning: a fake dick/dildo that people use
stranger 1: yo your outfit is fuckin ass go change ho

stranger 2: go sms (suck my strap) stoopid whore, atleast ion got an nba youngboy ponytail like yo ho ass
by Zaza😋🫶🏾 October 18, 2023
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when you are to lazy to say "thank you so much" so instead you use thx u sm
- I bought you a present
-thx u sm
by bauticarda26 July 14, 2023
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John: you released the song early again? that is such an sm intern thing to do
by lilgaywayv September 20, 2020
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