1. When your phone is in a place where it doesn't have service.

2. When your phone has been cut off due to lack-of-phone-bill-pay
Guy 1: Dude, want to go camping?
Guy 2: Sure, but I'm not bringing my cell phone
Guy 1: Why not, bro?
Guy 2: The lake is a dead zone... My phone is an electronic paperweight up there

Guy 1: Brosef, I tried calling you yesterday but it went straight to voicemail... Turn your phone on!
Guy 2: It is on, but I forgot to pay my phone bill. My phone's an electronic paperweight right now
by Dave-Landon May 28, 2011
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an electronic engineer is a definition of a man/woman which hold the best job ever
DAMN , that electronic engineer is fu@king hero
by j-dealer June 26, 2017
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temporary suspension of all electronic connectivity........
..Iphone, Internet, Twitter, Skype...Facebook.

Synonym: Cut me off at the News
Yo, Bro, My MOM cut me off at the news. I am totally Electronically Grounded.
by Martin Ziebold June 1, 2011
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When an electronic device inexplicably stops working and, after multiple and different attempts to get it to work again, i.e., unplugging, plugging back in, re-booting etc., it starts working again.

It had an electronic version of a hairball.
After resetting the DIP switches and software configurations, the jimsonator started working again. I guess that cleared the EHB (electronic hairball).
by Arcturan May 28, 2011
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To take a time honored tradition and butcher it by doing it with a computer instead
Filling out a NCAA bracket with a website (aka electronicize a NCAA bracket) instead of printing one out and hand writing selections
by ElectronicGuru March 12, 2012
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To process acoustic instrumental audio with digital effects.
Gotan Project is well known for their ability to electronicize acoustic violins, cellos, and accordian.
by Michael Moods July 4, 2009
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