A term defining sexual intercourse specifically between two or more lesbian partners.
"Hey Janet, how'd your date go last night? Did you two do the Butch Bush Smush?
by GrungeBob July 20, 2022
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Suddenly displaying very masculine behavior, through action or verbally by anyone , who does not usually do so.
"If that queen has a Butch-Attack you better run for the hills."

"Get yer Butch-Attack azz outta here, bitch. I ain't afraid of that bug spray!"
by Archer Ingersoll September 10, 2021
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g-thug'n, poop-butt,meeg,but a good guy friend to have and is awesome sometimes makes dumb decissions but is alwasy there for you even tho he seems like a don't care he does deep down:)
connor butch gillette
by goldielox52495 December 3, 2011
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The term used for a male who prefers the company of Lesbians. This is similar to the term "fag-Hag" but with the genders switched around.
- Why is John hanging out with lucy and mary for? He Knows they're lesbians right?
- Well Its expected from a butch-codger
by myndhead July 25, 2011
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A guy that is a sissy.
Kevin throws the ball like a holly butch.
by Matty S. June 14, 2007
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When a lesbian gives a male a blowjob
Mate you hear about Harry the other day, he went out and managed to get a Butch Back n Sides from Cassandra's girlfriend
by The Walking Lisp July 20, 2018
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When you expect perfection from an imperfect world. Although the road to perfection seems simple. Perfection may be unattainable. Every person has their own perception of perfection and reality.
Come on boss what's do you expect, is your name Butch Haynes?
Keep on moving Butch Haynes no one is perfect.
by ButchNochance January 31, 2022
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