Boost And Ethanol
Car world term, boost meaning turbo or supercharger, ethanol being the fuel
Robler: man I love Bae

Donald: what?
Robler: Boost and ethanol man,
Boost and ethanol
by Hooning is not a crime February 1, 2016
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The definition of bae: bae doesn't have to be a girlfriend by definition, but could be a really close person to you that you share alot in common with. You can spend your whole life with a bae without needing to be in a relationship with your bae. People like to talk about their secrets with their bae because they know how to help them out. A bae can do anything you want because they'll want do the same thing because they have alot in common. Being a bae might be the closest thing to being in a relationship with someone because you love them so much, but don't actually be in a relationship.
Person M: What do you think of your best friend
Person F: He is Bae
by Shexy Boi March 14, 2015
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Bae- abbreviation for Before Anyone Else. Also means poop in Dannish but teens use it also to mean boyfriend,besties,and squad.
''Omg that girl is bae!''
by princess mendes December 14, 2014
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It is a word for poop, but also known as Before anyone else.
Joey said I was his bae because he loves me more than anyone else.
by Chazooie February 2, 2015
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It's a shorter way of saying "babe" or "baby". Usually said to one's bf/gf or significant other.
- I love you, bae.

- Bae, can you come over tonight.

- I miss my bae so much.
by Bree_n_k June 13, 2014
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A word of endearment for used in both romantic and friendly relationships to show admiration. Also used as "The bae" meaning a person that is admired, appreciated or otherwise cared for, used quite often in the third person.
Person 1: Hey, do you know that kid, Amanda?
Person 2: Oh, yeah she's the bae!
by zovii June 19, 2014
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Noun (n)
1. The Danish word for "Poop"
2. The word somebody these days uses for someone they like, date etc.
Note: I haven't seen anyone else say it, so when you call your date etc. "Bae", your calling them a shit in Danish. .
I just took a Bae
"Sup, Bae?" Said the dude to his girlfriend.
by TheGoatEatingFairy March 6, 2015
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