Abrahams... Well there is not much to say about this name. It is extra, its has too many A's in it. Us Abrahams' are a family full of tons of different traits and habits. One person in particular is crusty (AS IN FLAKY AND WEIRD), almost bald, and has a big nose. Their name starts with a C and they are one of the most "out there" people
The Abrahams family is amazing!
by Larry Benson January 3, 2019
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the crack heads of all crackheads Abraham the cracke king nah im just playing hes good in every way you think find me im at bathurst and steels tan boy
her boyfriend:damn is that abraham

his girlfriend:ouuuuuuu he so fine ok im out
by abrahambathurststeels October 15, 2019
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The type of guy to always choose his bros and family over anything. 100% a tall curly-headed dude with a short girlfriend. Really fun to hangout with, is very noticeable when he is not there. Probably a nicotine fien. He has a big ego, which is why most people want to fight him. He has atleast one close girl friend and three close guy friends. Is probably black or mexican.
bro#1: Why isn't Abraham here? He's so chill
bro#2: I don't know cro, I wish he was here
by Dunali Brack May 10, 2022
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- the most handsome guy living in Mars
Alien 1 - “What that ?”

•Alien 2 - “Oh that’s Abraham, the only human in Mars
by sombermusicplayin November 23, 2021
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he is a slave who is such a faggot. smokes vapes like a loser. he has a small penis and an asshole. hes like a gta san andreas npc irl. dont be like him bc hes not a top g. also hes black.
by thelowblow69 September 20, 2022
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They tend to be serious around strangers but is very loud and outgoing with the homies. Can’t take certain jokes. Can sometimes be rude. Can be very pushy and uses brute force a lot.
by AnonymousIntilligence October 9, 2019
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Annoying as hell. You’ll always find him begging his girlfriend to hangout. Kinda sucks at parking and will definitely run over curbs even though he’s only done it “one time”. Kind of slow sometimes and will stare at his Girlfriend for no reason at all. Also likes to spend money for some reason and has only let his gf pay for one drink. But he’s also ... the sweetest guy you’ll ever meet. Will always make you laugh over the stupid shit he says/does. Makes you feel sooo special & will always keep a smile on your face. The best boyfriend ... to MaryJane and MaryJane ONLY !!
MaryJane: “babe stop crying

Abraham: “I’ve been crying. I miss you so much”

Abraham: “Kiss me
by happy tales love July 2, 2019
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