Someone that lives in a dreamlike state.
If you want to say the guy is short dicked that's one thing. If he's Asian or Irish, that's more of an observation than an insult. But saying somebody is passive and soft and making it a combination of three words instead of one or two to get somebody's attention isn't something everybody gets a free pass to do, so hopefully you're not passive or soft yourself if you're saying something like that of somebody else.
by The Original Agahnim November 18, 2021
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Indirect, roundabout, or otherwise avoiding something or someone by nature.
He/she wasn't as straightforward as he/she claimed to be, he/she actually had a passive mindset of creeping up from behind and stabbing somebody in the back or shooting them in the head, then letting the other person know what the problem was.
by The Original Agahnim November 5, 2021
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Thinking somebody is passive or soft doesn't make them that way.
He/she thought the guy was a passive doormat.
by The Original Agahnim September 8, 2021
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Thinking somebody is passive or soft doesn't make them that way.
He/she thought the guy was a passive doormat, there to welcome everybody and too weak to stand up to anybody.
by The Original Agahnim September 8, 2021
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When someone says something that could be interpreted as passive-aggressive, but it's not very aggressive and more just passively hopeful => passive-hopeful.
"Well I don't have a car so that wouldn't work. If someone with a car were to go though, I'd definitely tag along!"
"Wow, so passive-aggressive."
"Nah, just passive-hopeful!"
by ProfessionalNoiteka April 29, 2016
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The intentional understanding of asking a question that truly doesn't need an answer from a person which you know is about to go ballistic. Quietly waiting to intercede with a "why you trippin'?." Knowing intentional gratitude of mischievous energy towards another.
Yeah I'm about to show you some passive aggressive antagonistic shit!! . I'm About to drive this person crazy with 1 sentence and watch them don't know why they talking for 23 minutes for no reason. 🤔😂
by The UrbanPalate April 1, 2022
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A special case of robbing where a victim is forgetful of something and the thief disguises their crime by playing on the victim’s forgetfulness.

By reminding the victim of something that they forgot* at a time where they cannot retrieve it, it allows enough time for them to forget about it again, leaving the thief with the goods.
It’s a type of physical gaslighting that makes the aggressor appear completely innocent (despite their intent) and the victim seem as though they are irresponsible with their items**.

*The victim did not forget anything. They were robbed and convinced otherwise. This is important for the ruse to work.
**This happens with hoodies a lot.
Jessica took Terry’s sunglasses. Terry was told that his sunglasses were left at Jessica’s apartment after a beach trip even though he always leaves them in his car. Jessica reminded Terry on three separate occasions that he left his stuff there only while he was at work or with friends knowing he’ll forget. Jessica finally stopped reminding him and kept his glasses. Jessica used passive thievery.
by February 21, 2023
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