A term used in fooseball when a ball is spun into the goal
by George McGee February 20, 2014
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When a man jerks off through a person's gauge stretched earlobe hole and then ejaculates into the person's ear.
As I gave him and 'inner ear injection' I thought to myself, "If I gauge my ears, will he do this for me?"
by @therealpopeyeschickensandwich October 16, 2020
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The form of manipulating someone by repeatedly saying things that influence them in your favor of the topic. Interface with their opinion.
She was inner-earing in her son to not tell his father what she was doing behind her husbands back.
by Olinda Holiday January 7, 2023
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When you and your partner are getting frisky, then your partner grabs your inner thigh. This causes an orgasmic reaction that may affect your entire body.
Nick: You and Fred where really going at it today.
Maria: Oh I love it when he grabs my thigh it just really gets me going.

Nick: Ah Fred gave you some good inner thigh action.
by da5id February 23, 2017
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A persons inner reflection of themselves. Especially if they are self conscious.
Example: did you see how she kept pulling down her shorts?!
"yeah her inner tube was showing!"
by youngjok April 26, 2013
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Aka the penis. The dictator of what makes men do the things they do.
“The inner compass led Brendan to deflower his pet alpaca, much to the the disgust of his wife”.

“Larry, a balding and overweight failing real estate agent, made the bold decision to purchase a BMW convertible. Actually it wasn’t Larry, it was his mid life middle compass”.
by The Shoebill Storker April 13, 2022
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The act of putting your penis behind the knee of a girl and have the girl wrap around your body.
i went to her house and we went inner tubing. we had a great time
by theblackguyatlunch April 13, 2011
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