An excuse widely excepted in the college world. A way of excusing behavior as totally understandable that would otherwise be considered illegal, embarrassing, self destructing, or weird.
Tony: "Damn it Mike you peed in the refrigerator again."

Mike: "Ya but I drank Four Loko last night."

Tony: "Oh well in that case."
by KSkrilla January 23, 2011
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Crank on some Code, Drink alcohol while doing it. Typically for the purpose of furthering a business.
We really need to consolidate the databases. Looking forward to Crank 'n' Drank when we have the time to do it!
by tgfoot February 23, 2015
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That sun depriving me of my liquids, can I get some blue drank?
by schwan1001 December 18, 2019
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another way of saying drinks
I'd rather ruin my liver with dranks
by jajaisnotu October 20, 2021
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The perfect combination of Dank and Drunk. When a bunch of memelords who know rules 1 & 2 like the back of their hand are the last ones left on a late night party and resort to sitting around and table and sharing only their dankest memes while getting drunk, that's when you know the party is Drank as fuck.
Person 1: Dude, I was at this party not too long ago, but all the normies went home and everyone that was left were OG meme veterans who knew their shit. It was glorious.
Person 2: Holy fuck, that must've been Drank as fuck.
by Drank Fucking Memelord October 25, 2017
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a beverage that bares a fruit name but contains 10% or less of that fruits juices
by vince2777 December 26, 2019
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The top level of drunk, above wasted and on par with paralytic, but with the added flair of causing social mayhem, including but not limited to property damage, arrest, hospitalisation, or just general mayhem and fuckery.

Can be shortened to boney

Originated from a company email from a hotel in Budapest describing some staff members on the last night of a project.
What happened to you on the weekend? “I got boney drank

Man Tom was boney drank last night, we might not see him for a while.
by Stealthydan January 11, 2023
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