A clothing store in which one travels to in order to obtain various articles of apperal. This establishment markets their merchandise towards those who desire to appear hardcore and to be original. But by shopping at this Hot Topic, you are not really original because anyone can shop there. If by shopping there you are looking to be original you are not original because if you were original you would already be original and not trying to be. If original is not something you are already then shop there. Much love to Johnny. Hot Topic is the system.
Hey I got this shirt at Hot Topic I look H.C.!
by johnroxmysox January 7, 2005
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A store that everyone has shopped at, but will deny to their dying day.
1. "I was so _______ (insert your "rebellion statement" here) that I never shopped at Hot Topic."
2. "I used to shop at Hot Topic back when it was hardcore. But now, it's just for poseurs."
3. "Jesus said unto Peter, before the cock crows, you would have denied me three times."
by heroin hiroshima May 2, 2005
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A store...Preps, goths, normal people, rednecks, etc. shop there. Going to the store does not stereotype you. Every1 on here that thinks so is just as bad as a fucking prep. I personally think hot topics prices suck balls and they've sold out over the years, going softer and softer.
Idiot #1: People who shop at hot topic are gothic.
ME: God, your fucking dumb.
by Rat October 15, 2004
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Just a store.
In my personal opinion and experience, a lot of kids that go there think they're badass and so PuNk RaWk/GaWthIk for just buying a simple shirt for $50 or more. Hell, it's just clothes, it won't cure AIDS or make you into a god. But overall, it's just a store.
Chick 1: Oh mah gawd! Look at those cute little pants! And oh, they're on sale so now they're $98!
Chick 2: You can get the same pants for $5 in a thrift store but whatever.
by Aftereffect July 16, 2005
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A cool store that is often judged as being a place for posers and people paradoxically trying to be unique. Actually, it has some pretty good merchandise.
I was being stupid and shallow for judging Hot Topic. I shop there not because I want to be unique, but because I actually like the stuff.
by J1 July 9, 2006
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Oi, it's just a store. Not only for posers. I found a cool Ramones t-shirt there.
Person1: Hey do you like hot topic?
Person2: Ew no, they only sell emo band stuff there, and other stupid worthless crap.
Person1: You ignorant fool, since when are bands like the Ramones emo?
by YourWittleAngel January 27, 2005
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A store where psuedo-punks/goths go buy their identity. I mean, clothes. Watch out, those kids that shop at Hot Topic sure are rebellious, I mean, what can be more rebellious than feeding a multi-million dollar company by buying a crapy overpriced Good Charlotte shirt to look different like everyone else? Buying a GG Allen shirt from some run down, fishy looking store owned by some shady looking dude? Nah.
You guys! I just bought this shirt with a pentagram on it! Isn't it cool! Daddy wouldn't let me buy it with his credit card, but since I'm so rebellious I stole it from him! Probation, here I come! I mean... The darkness that is my soul craved the dark energy emitted from this shirt showing my love for my dark lord. Yeah.
by Mike April 29, 2004
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